
Section A - Cooling System, continued.....

Subject: Re: Electrolytic Erosion Link Date: Wed, 25 Nov 1998 13:22:34 -0800 From: To: [email protected], "Tiger's Den"References: 1 , 2 , 3

As promised,
Here is the direct link 'hot button' for the article. No trips to the library. Heck, that's why the web was invented. Thank you Motortrend.

Hopefully it comes in 13/14 pound caps with reverse flow for my overflow tank, or the fixed kind for those who haven't added this feature. (Previous message on 1/2 size unit that fits under our hood).
I'd have probably called it 'corrosion', being electro-chemical reaction, rather than 'erosion', which implies mechanical wear.
-- Steve Laifman B9472289
Subject: Re: Radiators Date: Mon, 21 Dec 1998 14:53:45 -0800 From: To: [email protected] CC: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected] References: 1

[email protected] wrote:
> Now how can that be? A 4 core Modine for a Tiger is $250-300. Mark L.
Mark, et al,
I bought my re-core in Simi Valley. The owner will take your old radiator by UPS and return the new one to you, if you don't live nearby. I can vouch for his workmanship. He was recommended by the local Lotus expert mechanic, and he sold it for $300, + $21.75 California sales tax. This was over a year ago, s some change may have occurred , and out-of-state doesn't pay tax, but does pay shipping.
When I asked him about the specs for the core, for those living elsewhere, he gave it to me, and I published it, but he also offered to do the work by UPS.
His Business is:
Ask for Ken, I told him I was going to give out this information. His caution is that he does not know the condition of your tanks. Before he can give you a firm quote, he must assure that the parts he needs are usable. Give him a call.
Ken at:
Commercial Radiator Service 864 Los Angeles Avenue Simi Valley, CA 93065 (805-527-3332) (FAX 805-520-1148)
B.A.R. #AG029137 (California Bureau of Automotive Repair shop number)
He calls it a Special High Efficiency Core and they are 5/16 tubes on 3/8 centers from Modine's custom department. 4 row, 14 fin/inch, and fit the stock tanks in width.
-- Steve Laifman B9472289

Subject: Re: hose me Date: Thu, 21 Jan 1999 19:39:44 -0800 (PST) From: [email protected] (Armand & Lorie Ritchie) To: Scott Lampert, [email protected]

>looking for a close lower hose number ? >scott >B9472628
How bout this one from my archives:
The lower hose I purchased for my IA a few years ago was Lower #7746
Upper #7459 These were both NAPA #'s Mark L
[email protected] Armand & Lorie Ritchie
Subject: Re: radiator recommendation Date: Thu, 25 Feb 1999 13:35:16 EST From: [email protected] To: [email protected]

Yes, I know all about the small tube 4-row cores which I believe are called Excel cores. I have produced several of these over the years with good results. In some instances they work slightly better than my 3-rows. But I tend to stay away from them because the tubes are so small that they easily become clogged.
You wouldn't believe what car owners will put behind a radiator. When I fisrt started selling radiators I used to get customers calling me back and saying, "Wow, your radiator sure worked great for about one week, then it failed and now I'm pissed". Then I'd have them send it back to me. I'd tear it down and find it all full of rust chips or silicone worms. It would usually turn out that they bought their neighbor's 302 that had been sitting on the side of the house for the past 10 years. I'd send it back to the manufacturer to be rodded out and then back to the customer. What a hassle.
This is why I insist on speaking to a buyer before I sell them a radiator. That way I can find out first if I'm even going to be able to make them happy.
Thanks for the resource, but I like dealing directly with the core manufacturer. I could make and sell radiators at half the cost, but I'm into the best quality I can get and that costs money. Besides,if I was into the money, I wouldn't be selling radiators to Tiger owners.

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