(A Group Design Effort)
June. 2003

1967 - The Way It Was! (Bill Tolson's Mk II)
Editor's Note:
There are rumours, from time-to-time, about somebody issuing a new "Sunbeam Tiger" concept, or production vehicle . Mostly unsubstantiated, but a LOT of interest in just what a modern rendition of the Tiger concept might be like has appeared on the Tiger E-mail list (see "Online Resources" for free subscription). The purpose of THIS article is to allow interested individuals to voice their own ideas as to what a target 2005 Sunbeam Tiger Mk III might be like.
Please send your text and picture input to the editor for consideration.
The ground rules are simple:
- Be your own specialty car designer.
- Use a reasonable budget for a production-type design,
- Capture the spirit and market of the original (assuming there IS a market.)
- Pretend you are Ian Garrad trying to put together a winner he can get that stodgy, penny pinching Lord Rootes to actually build.
- Size, weight, engine source, performance goals.
- Special features, using as many stock components stolen form the rest of your product line (You pick the manufacturer, and stick within his family - (OK to get an outside engine producer, if you think the market will support it).
- Set a retail price range for your Target Market and keep the product at least break even in it.
- I have dibs on the new Cadillac V-16 engine (9-)
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Entry #1: Rob Kempinski, (BlueGolfer), from Melbourne, Florida offers this concept.

A streamlined front, Tiger 2 grill, chrome mirror, air dam and side surface treatment, 4 wheel disks, Mustang IFS and IRS, Ford 4.6 V8 with supercharger, side vents for cooling, Flowmaster exhaust, big 17 inch LAT option wheels, modern leather interior, power windows, CD changer, GPS and navigation system, electornic compass, removable hard top, and automatic convertible top. (Still looks like the T-Bird though). - Rob
Entry #2: See Bob Nersesian, "Next Page"