"The Long Way Home"
A Pictorial Expos� of ADU 180 B's Return to the UK and Le Mans
By Darrell Mountjoy
Sept, 2002
Editor's Note:
Darrell Mountjoy has returned from a fantastic tour of the 2002 Goodwood Revival and the inaugural Le Mans Classic . He was invited to participate in these events because of his stewardship of the fabulous Lister Le Mans Tiger ADU-180B (#9). He published his story of the acquisition of one of the two Le Mans Tiger race cars in his Article "On Tiger Tales & Other American Folk Lore". See our September 2003 Calendar for the Goodwood Revival - 2003 & Drive a classic Morgan tour offerSteve
Note from the author: All pictures, unless otherwise indicated, are by Darrell Mountjoy, � 2001-2002, under the tradename "Mtjoy". All rights reserved. Reproduction or use prohibited unless authorized by express permission of the author in writing."
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� Mtjoy 2002
The chaos of the last days is seen at Steven Alcala Automotive Restorations before N� 9 was to be loaded for shipment to England.

� Mtjoy 2002
Restoration complete, N� 9 enters the Lufthansa facility at LAX for air freight to Heathrow, via Frankfurt.

� Mtjoy 2002
Safely at Heathrow, N� 9 awaits de-palleting.

� Mtjoy 2002
N� 9 is collected from Heathrow and loaded aboard Dave Smallridge's ultra-cool "Chasestead Sunbeam Challenge" trailer.

� Mtjoy 2002
N� 9 is finally able to relax in a pleasant Surrey afternoon where it will remain for a few days at the home of Ruth and Graham Vickery.

Photo by Bob Cranham �
Evening in the English countryside with STOC Tigers, just before we went to the Barley Mow
Read "On Tiger Tales & Other American Folk Lore"