Section A - Cooling System, continued.....
Subject: Re: Need lower rad hose p/n Date: Thu, 22 Oct 1998 12:27:22 -0600 From: "John Crawley"To: "Bill Lawrence"CC: [email protected], [email protected]
NAPA Part No. 7775 will fit the TIGER, just cut 5 inches off the larger end. The hose's shape will fit perfectly and even has allowances to follow the shape of the Tiger frame. Godspeed Jc
Subject: Re: Need lower rad hose p/n Date: Thu, 22 Oct 1998 18:46:56 EDT From: [email protected] To: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]
The lower hose I purchased for my IA a few years ago was Lower #7746 Upper #7459 These were both NAPA #'s Mark L
Subject: Re: Stu's Radiator - THE ANSWER Date: Mon, 02 Nov 1998 09:51:41 -0800 From: Steve LaifmanTo: [email protected] CC: [email protected] References: 1
Since I'm the source of the info on this Modine core, and apparently the info I got from the core itself is insufficient, I called up my builder, Commercial Radiator Service, 864 Los Angeles Ave, Simi Valley, CA 93065.
He was gracious ennough to supply additional information that should aid your quest.
He stated that these radiator cores were indeed ordered thru their special order department. That is not to say that they manufactured tubes and fin assemblies just for him, but that they took an existing product design (run) and made it to the size required from the class core material desired.
The most important point is to get the basic core form their "High Efficiency Core" (HEC) line. He recalls, but won't swear, that these are 5/16 tubes on 3/8 centers, and were 4 rows. The dimensions of the header end plates are, of course, made to match the Tiger tank dimensions. A job for your radiator shop to specify, as well as the distance between headers for the tanks, as he has the original.
My previous communication gave the approximate dimensions I could measure, and these are MY meaasurements, only as good as my ruler and counting:
"7) Replace orignal, or older design 4 row, with new high density, high performance radiator. Same thickness as original 3 row, and requires no mods of tanks. Modine H 69 H Cross flow. 18 1/2 W x 15 1/2 high. Four parallel rows of tubes, 36 tubes/row, each 3/8 inch deep by 0.080 wide externally. 14 fins/per inch fin density. This is about $300, built by radiator shop, and well worth it."
Well, 3/8 is pretty close to 5/16. His number was as he remembered, and mine was as good as I could measure. They probably don't step them that closely anyway. The core is just slightly thicker than the original 3 row, and a good deal thinner than the older four row, so the tanks and shroud fit very well.
Hope this helps.
Steve -- Steve Laifman B9472289