
Section A - Cooling System, continued.....

Subject: Repost [Fwd: hose me] boundary="------------2D08A1B0AD19D3482F91EE9F" Date: Mon, 30 Aug 1999 14:00:52 -0500 From: Bruce Richards To: "Tiger's Den"

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Received: by online.OnlineToday.Com (mbox bruiser) (with Cubic Circle's cucipop (v1.31 1998/05/13) Fri Jan 22 09:57:02 1999) X-From_: [email protected] Thu Jan 21 23:33:15 1999 Received: from triumph.cs.utah.edu (triumph.cs.utah.edu []) by online.OnlineToday.Com (8.9.1/8.6.10) with ESMTP id XAA01722 for ; Thu, 21 Jan 1999 23:33:14 -0600 (CST) Received: from localhost (daemon@localhost) by triumph.cs.utah.edu (8.9.1/8.9.1) with SMTP id WAA04318; Thu, 21 Jan 1999 22:34:15 -0700 (MST) Received: (from majordom@localhost) by triumph.cs.utah.edu (8.9.1/8.9.1) id WAA04271 for tigers-actors; Thu, 21 Jan 1999 22:34:03 -0700 (MST) From: [email protected] Message-ID: <[email protected]> Date: Fri, 22 Jan 1999 00:32:04 EST To: [email protected] CC: [email protected] Mime-Version: 1.0 Subject: Re: hose me X-Mailer: AOL 4.0 for Windows 95 sub 226 Sender: [email protected] Precedence: bulk Reply-To: [email protected]
Upper hose Goodyear 60710 (perfect fit, just trim in length)
Lower hose Goodyear 61031 (60325 now obselete) or Gates 20957 both may also need slight trimming but will provide lots a clearance under the fan belt.

Subject: Re: Help with Radiator hoses Date: Mon, 30 Aug 1999 19:37:28 EDT From: [email protected] To: [email protected], [email protected]

Tim, The following have been listed and should work. You have to remember that they will all be too long or have an extra bend. They will therefore have to be trimmed. Bring your old ones and compare. Most of these will work and have been used by members.
Upper Dayco 627 NAPA 7459 Dayco 70627 Dayco 71015 Dayco CH666
Lower Ford KM178 NAPA 7746 Gates 21034 Gates 20753
I'm sure that people will recommend others. Mark L.
Subject: Re: [Fwd: Radiator Revisited] Date: Wed, 1 Sep 1999 14:40:25 EDT From: [email protected] To:

Steve, Sorry this took so long, I just have not been around much. To refresh your memory this is about the alum. radiator that I installed. It is a 2 row of 1" tubes with 2-3/4" tanks. The radiator accepts the surge tank but I do not have a shroud so I do not really know whether or not that will work. The radiator lowered my driving temp. in 100 deg. wx. by about 40 deg. although a stoplight still sends it up, airflow is a must. I am adding a 10" Vintage Air elec. pusher fan as we speak ( $ 89.00 ). Avg. temp on highway 175 deg., around town 190 deg. ( without elec. fan ) . Supplied by Ron Davis Racing Products 7334 N. 108th Ave. Glendale, Arizona 85307 ( 623 ) 877-5000 . Part # 4017 cost $ 500.00
Jeff Hefner B9470028
Subject: Re: Radiator Hoses and Heater control Date: Tue, 7 Sep 1999 07:43:04 -0600 From: "Tim Ronak" To: CC: "Tiger News Group Address" References: 1 , 2 , 3 , 4

Steve and listers, I have been home for 2 days now and finally had time to solve the radiator hose situation. While I recieved some excellent emails from several listers, I found that not all of the numbers were available in Canada. Here are the ones i used and the cross over numbers for those that may have a better selection in the USA. I also need the bracket that holds the Heater water control valve to the support arm if any one has a spare. For those interested it appears that in fact I will be moving to S. California most Likly in the the Laguna Niguel or North San Diego County area (Oceanside) with my Tiger (....and my Wife and son of course!). Things are a little hectic as the INS department seems to have several very small hoops to jump through before I can actually get there.
Upper Hose I used Dayco 70627 and trimed about 5 inches off. It fit with no twisting and was very easy to install. The only comment is that the notches in the fan shroud do not line up with the hose any more and it looks kind of weird. Other numbers: Goodyear 60710 Gates 20626 Napa 7459 Sunbeam Specialties CS20
Lower Hose I used a Dayco 70682 and it fit great with slight trimming. Other numbers Goodyear 61031 (60325 is obsolete) Gates 20957 Napa 7746 Sunbeam Specialties CS21
Lower Expansion Tank Dayco 71196 with some trimming. It did not have the double bend but is formed and worked quite well. Sunbeam Specialties CS22
Drivers side heater hose Dayco 80395 I have not had time to complete the hose installations but hope to soon. On close inspection it looks as though it will work very well as it has a formed bend at one end to feep it tight to the firewall. Sunbeam Specialties uses CS62 but it does not appear to be molded
Bypass hose Dayco 70001
Heater shut off valve SS reccomended that we use a 1975-1979 Honda civic valve. The prvious owner installed something and lost the bracket that hold it to the support arm. If any one has a spare bracket i could really use it.
Regards to all, Tim Ronak

Subject: Re: Heater Core Date: Fri, 24 Sep 1999 21:29:08 -0400 From: James Barrett To: [email protected] CC: [email protected]

Cecil, The MGB came with the identical heater core. Much easier to find MGB's in the junk yard than Sunbeams or Tigers. Suggest you go back to the 7 psi radiator cap after you fix or replace the core. The chances are that the ends of your heater core has buldged and broken loose from the pressure of a 13 to 17 psi radiator cap. The heater core can be repaired at a radiator shop if the end caps are leaking at the seams. The difficult part is to convience the radiator man to do it correctly. There is a ridge across the end caps. Inside the cap ridge is a brass piece that was orginally sweat soldered to the cap and the core. It is critical to re-solder this internal connection if the cap is going to stay on very long. Otherwise the cap buldges out again and breaks the solder seam once again. Lower pressure radiator caps minimize the damage to the heater core. The cap is 4" square or 16 square inches. with 7 psi there is 112 lbs of force on the cap and with a 17 psi cap there is 272 lbs on the cap. no wonder it buldges and leaks.
At 09:15 AM 9/22/99 -0400, you wrote: >Hi all: > >My heater core is leaking. Any suggestions on where to acquire the same, and >anything I need to know about installation? > >Thanks >Cecil >MK1A James Barrett Tiger II 351C and others

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