
How to Restore Your Tiger�s Seats, part 3

Joe Parlanti


Seat Backs

The seat backs are quite a bit easier than the bottoms, at least for the later type which I have. The frames are the same, but the covers are different between the early and late seats.

Once again I sandblasted and powder coated the frames as shown here:

The seat backs have 2 pieces of cardboard attached to the frames. The back rear pieces were sent to me by Martha and were black on one side. Any art board or door board will work here. Install the cardboard around the frame and attach with 4 rivets, 2 on the top edge, and 1 on each lower side. You may want to trim the edges of the cardboard to conform to the shape of the frame.


Next install the inner cardboard piece using 3 rivets, 1 on the top, and 1 each on either side as shown here:





Now you can glue the foam down by liberally applying adhesive to both the foam and the cardboard. Nothing special here, just stick it down. Trim the cardboard as needed.

As we did on the seat bottoms, only the center section of the cover is glued down to the foam. Here’s a shot showing the adhesive location on each piece.

Here’s a trick for getting the vinyl over the foam in the next step. Us a dry cleaner bag, plastic wrap, etc. to provide a surface for the vinyl to slide on. After you’ve pulled the cover down and are satisfied with the alignment, reach up inside and pull out the plastic. This technique works very well.

Now we’re down to gluing the bottom loose pieces of vinyl to the frame. Start on the outside and pull around to the inside.


Next, pull the center section down and glue to the frame under the back cardboard piece as shown here:

Do the same with the end flaps:

The final step in the gluing process is to wrap the vinyl from the back around the bottom of the cardboard and bond in place.

Install the trim screws through the bottom of the back piece into the frame at this time. You are now finished with the covering process and can reassemble the seats.

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