VIN: B9472289
Owner: Steve Laifman
Location: West Hills, CA
Having had a succession of sports cars since 1951, the Tiger is the latest in a long line of classic cars. I'll go into that in an article, to be published later. For now - my son Jay drove me, in his Alpine Series 5, to Tigers United XXI, Bakersfield CA, Summer 1997. It was a really hot day! I purchased the only Tiger for sale from the second owner, with less than 50,000 original miles. It has original upholstery and folding top. Both Steve Alcala and Rick McCleod were there to give the car a once-over for me. It was bought then and there. This picture is from the 1999 Woodley Park, Los Angeles, British Car Day. The blue Alpine Series 2, next to me, belongs to my daughter Amy Miller. Both have their own page listed on the Gallery Main Page.
It looked good to me from any angle. The car came from the dealer with the LAT Tiger Valve Covers and chrome stuff, as well as the American Racing Silverstone wheels (dealer option). Since acquisition, a LAT hood has been installed, as well as Traction Master made bolt-on LAT bars, a Mk II transmission significantly improving performance around town, as does the F4B/Holley 465 CFM LAT option. Still awaiting it's time are boxes containing the LAT Salisbury/Dana Limited Slip Differential and the LAT Tri-Y Shelby designed cast headers.
Some day.

Sweet and supportive, my beautiful bride of 42 years, Linda, at the Santa Monica Airport Museum of Flying's celebration of "The Battle of Britain, 2000". This was the 60th Anniversary of the start of that era, and classic British Cars were invited to park on the Aerodrome Field of the Museum. Many fine classics were there, including 1 each of all the Tiger Marks. Ours being the earliest (Mk I). The Hawker Hurricane is behind us, and a fly-by of this plane, a Supermarine Spitfire, and a Messerchmitt Bf 109E marked the event. (Reference information
I finally wrote an "abbreviated" version of that personal history article I threatened, located under "Contributed Articles", but you can get there directly on "My (Life with) Cars" (Good music, promise!)